Hey, everyone, I'm looking for something light compact you know sighs 1 portrait quality it's hard to gather all that online
I'm looking for something, light compact, you know sighs wait for quality it's hard to gather all that online, so maybe this information will help if you're looking to purchase it, to travel right yourself comments will go over the different qualities, that each one has and what's different about them then give you the weights, and measurements, and all that. So, let's get started the first rod.
It’s about 25 inches and weighs 35.3 ounces that's one call twenty dollars and itis probably my least favorite of the rods that l got no it's just it's a little long.
Next up is the lucky outdoor ride this is one of those a straight from China.
There are two different options for this one a 1.8 or one. meter five-point output or two. one meter 6.9 but this is the 2.1 meter fully extended six-point not meet collapsed its 21.5 inches. As you see it weighs in right at four ounces to pay $36 for this one for some reason the shorter one the 1.8 meters is ninety dollars which they would make sense huge difference, but opted for this one, and actually really like it. l was kind of questioning whether the quality you want to stray from China deals but this is probably my favorite right of the bunch so far, it's got it.
It's not the shortest one collapse, but the build quality is excellent, and so far, that I see the islets are nice and sturdy, it's got a nice below the real handle length you can get a good oat it's not too long it's not too short, it’s about the size that you find on a normal full-size not collapse school on fishing ride.
They're the ones of medium collapse 19 inches in nineteen and a half the Iargerone as you see 3.1 ounces from the 6-foot rod and the 6.6-foot rod is 3.8ounces to both the same price $22
I like about them is there or there's some of the shorter rodomontades to the other two. Collapse a lot shorter the reel seat is nice on these rods nice and sturdy. That's nice, not the other travel rods actually have that what I don't like about these rods the length of the handle below the reel seat now.I know it’s probably a compromise to get on shorter collapse but if they're not as easy to cast, because of that you don't have the leverage he would 1 lrlrithin with the other ride another thing about that my canoe.That l fish out of the rod holders and you know it uses to use as leverage the real sits in the top part, and then you know, the ride comes down and it hooks into the bottom. 80, it doesn’t fall over almost actually lost this rod, and you know a hundred thirty dollars because the handle is so short it barely fits into the to the rod order. Another option, this rod I really like to feel it most of all it's the shortest rod of the bunch l6 inches, collapsed open its 5.9 feet this model they actually have this rod has the most options as far as sizes, go this is the shortest, sixteen dollars for the other ones range, from nineteen thirty dollars depending on what size you get, four point two ounces, not the lightest not heaviest is right there in the middle.
A thing or whatever but yeah, how do you like this, right I think about maybe get another one, of another size length because this one was 16 bucks it was the cheapest one of the bunch and l don't like it I like it a lot. it's the most compact well well-made quality, is nice.
I mentioned the lucky outdoor real had the best pilot cover this is one of them, that I’d mention it comes one but it doesn't do a good job of actually covering the islets. It doesn't fit well on it only covers a couple of them, it doesn't allow the pole to fully collapse.
Hey everyone, I wanted to do a description of some of these classical travel rods, that I picked up. l wasn't sure exactly which based on internet descriptions and what not what. I want to go with so I spot a handful of them I’m going to try them out.
I'm looking for something light compact, you know sighs wait for quality it's hard to gather, all that online, so maybe this description will help if you're looking to purchase it to travel, right yourself comments will go over the different qualities that each one has and what's different about them then give you the weights and measurements and all that so let's get started the first rod the vocal this rod is it comes in two sizes 6. not foot and an 11-point 8-foot this year is the six-point not put collapse.
It's 25 inches and weighs 35.3 ounces that's one calls twenty dollars and it is probably my least favorite of the rods, that I got no it's just it's a little long the handle it's got a really long handle, below the reel seat, here’s where the real seeds and it's just kind of have just too long, I guess would be great for four long cast get a little more leverage.
Next up is the lucky outdoor ride this is one of those a straight from Allhitdeals skeptical want to get here. l wasn't sure how it turns out there are two different options for this one a 1.3 or one. meter five-point output or two. One meter 6.9 but this is the 2.1 meter fully extenders-point not meet collapsed its 21.5 inches, as you see it weighs in right at four ounces to pay $36 for this one for some reason the shorter one the 1.8 meters is ninety dollars, which they would make sense huge difference, but opted for this one and actually really like it. I was kind of questioning whether the quality you want to stray from China deals, but this is probably my favorite right of the bunch so far it's got it.
It’s not the shortest one collapse but the build quality is excellent and so far, that I see the islets are nice and sturdy it's got a nice below the real handle length you can get a good cat it's not too long it's not too short.
It's about the size that you find on a1a normal full-size not collapse school on a fishing ride. It's got a nice reel seat the sections are our story and this one actually comes with you know the eyelet cover, and it's the nicest island cover out of the ones that come with it it's got a little guide on the inside my sturdy buckle hard plastic, and actually covers all the islands which is nice.
Some of the other ones don't actually do a good job of covering islands but I really like this rod is probably going to be one my number one of choices the quantum rides.
From what I was expecting. I got two of them go to different links and to your friend actions this one here the shorter one is a 6-foot fully extended and the larger one is a 6.6 as a medium light action.
They're the ones of medium collapse 19 inches in nineteen and a half the larger one as you see 3.1 ounces from the 6-foot rod and the 6.6-foot rod is 3.8ounces to both the same price.
$22 really disappointed in this rise, the thing I like about them is there or there are some of the shorter rods compared to the other two.
Collapse a lot shorter the reel seat is nice on these rods nice and sturdy I do like how they had a hook loop for your free lure you store it that’s nice no the other travel rods actually have that what I don't like about these rods the length of the handle below the reel seat now. l knows it’s probably a compromise to get on shorter collapse but it they're not as easy to cast because of that you don't have the leverage he would within with the other ride another thing about that my canoe that l fish out of the rod holders, and you know it uses to use as leverage the real sits in the top part, and then you know the ride comes down and it hooks into the bottom so it doesn’t fall over almost actually lost this rod and you know a hundred thirty dollar, because the handle is so short it barely fits into the to the rod order.